We spent time reviewing other websites that offer sexual health kits online to gather a set of opinions on what we may like to do, not do, or consider doing with SH24.
We explored commercial/private sector services (including Confidante and Dr Thom) and NHS public sector services (such as Buckinghamshire Chlamydia Screening Programme and R U Clear).
Here are some key findings that we will use to help shape SH24:
To do
- Be clear what the site offers and to whom on home page
- Show a diagram of each step and the expected timings of the process of using the service
- Display images of the exterior package, contents of the kit and examples of results messages
- Make the process feel as easy as internet shopping, this may also encourage repeat use
- Take the user somewhere once order is complete, don’t return to the start. Share things that are useful, enabling and make the user feel good.
Not to do
- Don’t offer too many options, it is confusing, off putting and time consuming
- Don’t send lots of confirmation emails/messages, one will do
- Avoid having ‘STI’ and other related words largely present on the site
- Don’t pick on weaknesses of the users e.g ‘no one will recognise you going into a clinic’ ‘avoid embarrassing examinations and unwanted questions’ (as these statements add to the existing stigma of STI testing)
- Don’t be inconsistent in tone / offer / advice.
To consider
- Using the word patient / user / customer? (Being called a patient can make people feel like there is something wrong with them, customer relates to purchases and user can feel impersonal)
- Decide what information / signposting to offer those that don’t qualify for SH24 (under 16's and those that live outside Southwark and Lambeth)
- Having a ‘hide this webpage’ button, that turns the current page to Google in one click
- Using headings like '10 quick points' so that information feels digestible and worth reading
- Personalising the page e.g ‘hello Mollie’.