Joining the SH:24 #SHforAll twitter chat

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Here's our quick start guide to getting involved in tonight's twitter chat as well the questions so you can think about what you might contribute...

What you need:

The event will only be on Twitter this evening, so you will definitely need an account to participate live. If you haven’t got a Twitter account, we’d still love to hear your views - answer in the comments on this blog below or get in touch if you’d rather share privately. We will definitely write all of this up and share as a longer post so everyone can read about it in their own time.

The questions

We’ll release a new question approximately every 12 mins to give each people a chance to submit their answers and well, have a chat. The questions we’ll ask are below so you can think ahead about what you might say.

Q1. Are online sexual health services appropriate for everyone?

Q2. What does an inclusive online service look like - share any great examples from health and social care?

Q3. How do online services change communication between users and healthcare professionals?

Q4. What safeguards do online services require to ensure people get the right support?

Q5. Do all offline services need an online element?

Getting the most out of the chat

You’ll want to see what your fellow tweeters are saying during the chat. We suggest you have a Twitter window open for posting in and then a second Twitter window. Use the second window to search the hashtag #SHforAll and choose the ‘latest’ option (otherwise you’ll get the most popular tweets only). If you use something like Tweetdeck or Hootsuite you can create a column with the #SHforAll hashtag instead - but you definitely don’t either of these to participate.

Answering a question

Twitter’s retweet ‘quote’ option is your best friend in this process. Press retweet on the question you are answering and either choose ‘quote’ or add a comment. The questions will be numbered so start your answer A1. for example if answering Q1

And that’s it! If for any reason on the night you’re struggling, you can DM us or tweet to @sh24_nhs and we’ll help you out. See you at 7pm!